Research project

Exploring the Limits of the Standard Model and Beyond (Cons Grant)


Lead researchers

Emeritus Professor Christopher Sachrajda FRS, FInstP, CPhys, PhD

Research interests

  • Developing Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the quantum field theory of the strong-nuclear force and implementing it studies of particle physics phenomenology. 
Connect with Christopher
Other researchers

Professor Pasquale Di Bari

Professor of Physics And Astronomy

Research interests

  • Particle Cosmology and Neutrino Physics:
  • BSM physics, grand-unified models, flavour models
  • Seesaw models and phenomenology
Connect with Pasquale

Professor Alexander Belyaev

Professor of Physics

Research interests

  • Theory and phenomenology of elementary particle physics and cosmology beyond the standard model
  • Supersymmetry, extra-dimensions and technicolor and their Dark Matter cosmological connections
Connect with Alexander

Professor Nicholas Evans

Professor of Particle Physics

Research interests

  • Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories including QCD and composite Higgs models
  • Holographic Descriptions of Gauge Theories
  • The origin of mass
Connect with Nicholas

Emeritus Professor Doug Ross FRS

Research interests

  • Perturbative QCD
  • Pomerons and low-x Physics
  • Physics beyond the Standard Model
Connect with Doug

Professor Elena Accomando


Research interests

  • Theory and Phenomenology of Particle Physics at colliders, within the Standard Model and beyond.
Connect with Elena

Emeritus Professor Stephen King FInstP, CPhys, PhD

Research interests

  • The Flavour Problem and Neutrino Physics
  • Interface of Cosmology with Particle Physics
  • Beyond the Standard Model
Connect with Stephen

Professor Stefano Moretti PhD, FilDrHC


Research interests

  • His research interests include: Standard Model (QCD and EW Interactions), Supersymmetry, Non-minimal Higgs Models, Higher Order Corrections and Monte Carlo Event Generators.
  • Prof Moretti’s scientific activity is in particle phenomenology, particularly in the area of collider physics. His contribution to particle physics is substantial as seen from more than 550 scientific papers/articles that he has published. (Please ignore the metrics provided by other databases these pages as they are completely wrong for my field of specialisation, always refer to iNSPIRE ones.)
  • Prof Moretti is also author of two textbooks, S. Khalil and S. Moretti, `Supersymmetry Beyond Minimality: from Theory to Experiment' and 'SM Phenomenology', both with CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.  (Plus two more are in the pipeline.)
Connect with Stefano

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Pasquale Di Bari, Stephen F. King, Christoph Luhn, Alexander Merle & Angnis Schmidt-May, 2014, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014
Type: article
Hajime Ishimori & Stephen F. King, 2014, Physics Letters B
Type: article
Gui-Jun Ding & Stephen F. King, 2014, Physical Review D
Type: article
Stephen F. King, Alexander Merle, Stefano Morisi, Yusuke Shimizu & Morimitsu Tanimoto, 2014, New Journal of Physics
Type: article
Stephen F. King, 2014, Journal of High Energy Physics
Type: article