Research project

EPSRC - Nanostructured Photonic Metamaterials


Lead researcher

Professor Nikolay Zheludev

Professor of Physics & Astronomy
Connect with Nikolay
Other researchers

Professor Otto Muskens

Professor of Physics

Research interests

  • Programmable photonic circuits using ultralow loss phase change materials.
  • Infrared metasurfaces for radiative cooling and defence applications.
  • Deep learning and AI enabled nanophotonic design.
Connect with Otto

Research outputs

Pascal K. Harimech, Simon R. Gerrard, Afaf H. El-Sagheer, Tom Brown & Antonios G. Kanaras, 2015, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(29), 9242-9245
Type: article
W.M. Zhu, Q.H. Song, B.L. Yan, W. Zhang, P.C. Wu, L.K. Chin, H. Cai, D.P. Tsai, Z.X. Shen, T.W. Deng, S.K. Ting, Y.D. Gu, G.Q. Lo, D.L. Kwong, Z.C. Yang, R. Huang, A.Q. Liu & N.I. Zheludev, 2015, Advanced Materials, 27(32), 4739-4743
Type: article