Research project

Dupilumab and the eye

Project overview

Dupilumab is a drug used in treatment of skin condition: eczema. Up to 22 % of patients treated with this drug in initial studies have been reported to have ocular complications, in form of either dry eye or conjunctivitis. We want to explore dupilumab related ocular findings in cohort of patients referred to ophthalmology clinics at Southampton University Hospital, in order to review patterns of presentation, need for treatment and gain knowledge on details of the ocular co-morbidity of dupilumab treatment. This study plans to retrospectively collect data on patients referred to the eye department with ocular problems due to dupilumab therapy.


Lead researchers

Professor Parwez Hossain MBChB PhD FHEA FRCOphth FRCS (Ed)

Research interests
  • Corneal Infection
  • Keratitis
  • Corneal Transplantation
Connect with Parwez

Professor Michael Ardern-Jones BSc MBBS MRCP DPhil FRCP

Professor of Dermatology
Connect with Michael

Research outputs

Magdalena Z Popiela, Ramez Barbara, Andrew M J Turnbull, Emma Corden, Beatriz Suarez Martinez-Falero, Daniel O'Driscoll, Michael R Ardern-Jones & Parwez N Hossain, 2021, Eye, 35(12), 3277-3284
Type: article