Research project

Dr Vince O'Connor MRC TSE Highlight


Lead researchers

Professor Vincent O'connor

Professor of Neurochemistry
Research interests
  • Molecular mechanism of synaptic function and dysfunction
  • Synaptic degeneration
  • Genetic models of synaptic and neuronal dysfunction
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Other researchers

Research outputs

Matteo Caleo, Laura Restani, Eleonora Vannini, Zuzana Siskova, Hussain Al-Malki, Ruth Morgan, Vincent O'Connor & V Hugh Perry, 2012, PLoS ONE, 7(7), e41182
Type: article
Zuzana Sisková, Don Joseph Mahad, Carianne Pudney, Graham Campbell, Mark Cadogan, Ayodeji Asuni, Vincent O'Connor & Victor Hugh Perry, 2010, The American Journal of Pathology, 177(3), 1411-1421
Type: article