Research project

BB/J018139/1 - Chloroplast signalling - Matthew Terry

  • Lead researchers:
  • Research funder:
    Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council
  • Status:
    Not active


Lead researchers

Professor Matthew Terry

Professor of Molecular Plant Biology

Research interests

  • Chloroplast development and retrograde signalling to the nucleus
  • Light regulation of wheat growth and development
  • Improving algal photosynthesis
Connect with Matthew

Research outputs

Steven J. Burgess, Ignasi Granero-Moya, Mathieu J. Grangé-Guermente, Chris Boursnell, Matthew J. Terry & Julian M. Hibberd, 2016, Nature Plants, 2
Type: article
Muluneh Tamiru, Hiroki Takagi, Akira Abe, Takao Yokota, Hiroyuki Kanzaki, Haruko Okamoto, Hiromasa Saitoh, Hideyuki Takahashi, Koki Fujisaki, Kaori Oikawa, Aiko Uemura, Satoshi Natsume, Yusuke Jikumaru, Hideyuki Matsuura, Kenji Umemura, Matthew J. Terry & Ryohei Terauchi, 2016, New Phytologist, 210(4), 1282-1297
Type: article
Muluneh Tamiru, Akira Abe, Hiroe Utsushi, Kakoto Yoshida, Hiroki Takagi, Koki Fujisaki, Jerwin R. Undan, Sujay Rakshit, Shinichi Takaichi, Yusuke Jikumaru, Takao Yokota, Matthew J. Terry & Ryohei Terauchi, 2014, New Phytologist, 202(1), 116-131
Type: article