Research project

Andersson STFC/GCRF - Ground based gravitational wave astronomy


Lead researchers

Professor Nils Andersson

Professor of Applied Maths

Research interests

  • General relativistic astrosphysics
  • Black holes
  • Neutron stars
Connect with Nils

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

A Passamonti, N Andersson & P Pnigouras, 2022, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514(1), 1494-1510
Type: article
Soichiro Isoyama, Ryuichi Fujita, Alvin Chua, Hiroyuki Nakano, Adam Pound & Norichika Sago, 2022, Physical Review Letters, 128(23)
Type: article
T. Celora, I. Hawke, P. C. Hammond, N. Andersson & G. L. Comer, 2022, Physical Review D, 105(10)
Type: article
Garvin Yim & D. I. Jones, 2022, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511(2), 1942-1960
Type: article
Vahid Toomani, Peter Zimmerman, Andrew, Robert Cliford Spiers, Stefan Hollands, Adam Pound & Stephen Green, 2021, Classical and Quantum Gravity
Type: article