The Parkes Institute

PhD opportunities

PhD students are an integral part of the intellectual life of the Parkes Institute.

We have internationally recognised research expertise that ranges from antiquity through to the present day, and our archive is one of the largest Jewish documentation centres in Europe, with research specialisms in Jewish history, literature and culture, including the ancient world, migration studies, Holocaust research and heritage. You’ll be part of an inspiring and collaborative research environment that includes:

  • A bi-weekly seminar series with world-class experts presenting their latest research
  • Regular doctoral seminar programme where you are encouraged to share your research with fellow PGRs and members of the Institute in a friendly environment
  • Teaching opportunities as part of our outreach programme, undergraduate modules and lifelong learning courses
  • The Parkes Library and Jewish Archives provide an excellent resource for students of Jewish Studies

We also host a biennial international graduate conference which welcomes PGRs/ECRs from across the world to present their research on the theme of Jewish/non-Jewish relations. The conference includes both traditional conference papers as well as professionalisation panels and opportunities, with members of the Institute and external speakers sharing their advice to help guide you with your research and future career.

Experienced supervisors

Each student is supervised by a team of experienced supervisors whose expertise covers a wide range of approaches, disciplines and periods.

Parkes library

The Parkes Library and Jewish Archives provide an excellent resource for students of Jewish Studies.

Parkes doctoral seminars 

The Parkes doctoral seminars offer an informal and friendly platform for discussion throughout the academic year.

Funding opportunities

There are a number of funding opportunities available to join our PGR community. If you'd like to discuss these and our PhD opportunities informally, please contact or the most appropriate member of staff for your research.