Southampton Theory Astrophysics and Gravity (STAG) Research Centre


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Peter A. Boyle, Bipasha Chakraborty, Christine T. H. Davies, Thomas DeGrand, Carleton DeTar, Luigi Del Debbio, Aida X. El-Khadra, Felix Erben, Jonathan M. Flynn, Elvira Gámiz, Davide Giusti, Steven Gottlieb, Maxwell T. Hansen, Jochen Heitger, Ryan Hill, William I. Jay, Andreas Jüttner, Jonna Koponen, Andreas Kronfeld, Christoph Lehner, Andrew T. Lytle, Guido Martinelli, Stefan Meinel, Christopher J. Monahan, Ethan T. Neil, Antonin Portelli, James N. Simone, Silvano Simula, Rainer Sommer, Amarjit Soni, J. Tobias Tsang, Ruth S. Van de Water, Alejandro Vaquero, Ludovico Vittorio & Oliver Witzel, 2022
Type: conference
T. Celora, I. Hawke, P. C. Hammond, N. Andersson & G. L. Comer, 2022, Physical Review D, 105(10)
Type: article
Oscar J. C. Dias, Mahdi Godazgar, Jorge E. Santos, Gregorio Carullo, Walter Del Pozzo & Danny Laghi, 2022, Physical Review D, 105(8)
Type: article
Alexander Belyaev, Aldo Deandrea, Stefano Moretti, Luca Panizzi & Nakorn Thongyoi, 2022
Type: other
Garvin Yim & D. I. Jones, 2022, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511(2), 1942-1960
Type: article