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2022, IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 3, 687 - 699
Type: article
Kalaivanan Loganathan, Hendrik Faber, Emre Yengel, Akmaral Seitkhan, Azamat Bakytbekov, Emre Yarali, Begimai Adilbekova, Afnan AlBatati, Yuanbao Lin, Zainab Felemban, Shuai Yang, Weiwei Li, Dimitra G. Georgiadou, Atif Shamim, Elefterios Lidorikis & Thomas D. Anthopoulos, 2022, Nature Communications, 13(1)
Type: article
Sheng Yong, Nicholas, David George Hillier & Stephen Beeby, 2022, Frontiers in Electronics
Type: article
Peng Li, Jun-Yu Ou & Jize Yan, 2022, IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 16(6), 327-336
Type: article