Quantum, Light and Matter Group


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Max Carey, Jack, Cameron Saywell, Mohammad Belal & Timothy Freegarde, 2017
Type: conference
J. Nunn, J. H.D. Munns, S. Thomas, K. T. Kaczmarek, C. Qiu, A. Feizpour, E. Poem, B. Brecht, D. J. Saunders, P. M. Ledingham, Dileep V. Reddy, M. G. Raymer & I. A. Walmsley, 2017, Physical Review A, 96(1)
Type: article
Timothy Freegarde, Mohammad Belal, Max Carey, Jack, Cameron Saywell, David, Emanuel Elcock & Susannah, Courtney Jones, 2017
Type: conference
Max Carey, David, Emanuel Elcock, Jack, Cameron Saywell, Mohammad Belal & Timothy Freegarde, 2017
Type: conference