Centre for Operational Research, Management Science and Information Systems (CORMSIS)

MSc Project Examples

View a list of some past projects, set by our academic staff without specific company data or involvement, to give you an idea of the kinds of problems our students work on for their dissertation.

Advanced Credit Scoring
An analysis on preference-based task allocation problem 
An investigation into the usage of different distance metrics in multi-objective optimisation
An investigation on efficiency-equity trade-offs in public facility location planning 
Benchmarking and optimizing the green logistics with AI and Operational Research Approaches
Building a toolbox for large scale forecasting
Business time series forecasting with deep neural network and diffusion approaches
Clustering with Minimum Volume Ellipsoids
Comparative analysis of disaster logistics in the aftermath of an earthquake
Considering spatial effects in forecasting
Constrained Portfolio Optimization
Critical infrastructure resilience: A capacitated dispersion problem
Delivering hospital services at home: An allocation routing problem
Estimating Individual Data from Aggregated Data
Estimating Worried-well Populations in a Pandemic
Ethical Investment of Charity Funds
Evaluating and analysing algorithmic trading models using financial features
Evaluating and analysing Fund of Funds using financial features
Evaluating the location of Brazilian Civil Police Stations
Exploring Marginal Distribution Models as an alternative for market basket analysis for multi-purchase
Exploring methods to reduce split ticketing impact in UK trains
Exploring the potential of applying Large Language Model to Agent-Based Simulation
Extracting signals from a noisy time-series: Exploring gravitational-wave data
Feature selection for predictive analytics
Financial market regime prediction
Financial time series analysis with external features
Hyperparameter tuning for predictive analytics
Imbalance learning for predictive analytics
Improving Traceability in Seafood Supply Chain
Machine learning algorithms used to land two-dimensional simulated rockets
Maintenance Scheduling or Routing Problems in Offshore Wind Farms
Metaheuristic Algorithm design for route optimisation in NHS logistics
Modelling Combat for Modern Operations (example Ukrainian Conflict) 
Modelling the impact of AI based diagnostics on workforce requirements
Modelling the impact of CKD screening
Multiple Criteria Shipping Route Choice
Optimal Location of Disaster Relief Shelters
Option Pricing
Orienteering problem with real-time rewards
Predicting Charity giving propensity
Predicting credit rating misalignment in market
Predicting Film Box-Office performance  
Predicting motorway travel speeds
Prediction and then optimisation
Pricing Competition
Recharging Station Location Problems for Electric Vehicles
Redefining the districts for patients sample collection rounds (NHS case study)
Reinforcement Learning in Healthcare
Revenue sharing contract in sustainable supply chain
Routing Problems for Sustainable Last-Mile Delivery
Simulating motorway transport
Simulating the demand for renal services
Simulation modelling of a production environment in the apparel industry
Simulation modelling of hospital at home
Simulation of Demand Responsive Transport
Simulation optimisation model for food security decisions: A case of country A/B
Stochastic Asset Liability Modelling
Stochastic Modelling of Income Protection Insurance
Supply Chain Network Design: Modelling Production Technologies, with application. 
Sustainable coffee supply chain management: a systematic literature review
Sustainable deep learning
Time series forecasting with augmentation approaches using meta-Learning
Urban delivery network design
Using the Fokker-Planck equation to assess the effects of noise on solutions to a stochastic differential equation modelling the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.
Workload balancing in resource-constrained project scheduling problem

If you have similar issues that need investigating, and have a project idea that lends itself to a 3-months Masters dissertation, please get in touch via cormsis@soton.ac.uk or complete the online project registration form with no obligation, to initiate the discussion.