Southampton Clinical Trials Unit (SCTU) Areas of expertise Cancer Non-cancer Early diagnosis Translational research Trial methodology Our trials News SCTU Newsletter Working with us Patient and public involvement How to take part in a clinical trial Our strategy Our people Projects Explore a selection of our current and past research projects. A multicentre randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a uro-oncology clinical nurse specialist (CNS) team delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) intervention to reduce the impact of hot flush and night sweat (HFNS) symptoms in men with prostate cancer An open, prospective Phase III clinical study to compare polatuzumab vedotin plus rituximab, ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide (PolaRICE) with rituximab, ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide (RICE) Cellulitis optimal antibiotic treatment (COAT) study CTU - CCTG- Crabb - A RANDOMIZED PHASE II TRIAL ASSESSING TRIMODALITY THERAPY WITH OR WITHOUT ADJUVANT DURVALUMAB TO TREAT PATIENTS WITH MUSCLE-INVASIVE BLADDER CANCER ELECTRA (intraoperativE eLECtron radioTherapy in Rectal cAncer): A single-blinded feasibility study of intraoperative electron beam radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced or locally recurrent rectal cancer Optimizing MATrix as remission induction treatment for newly diagnosed primary CNS Lymphoma – a randomized phase III trial (OPTIMATE trial) PHASED IN - PHarmacy partnership using decision-making tools and near patient testing for Antimicrobial Stewardship for EveryDay practice IN primary care ECO Eczema Care Online SAFA study (Spironolactone for Adult Female Acne) A DAVIES - A Phase 1b/11 combination of ACP-196 with Rituximiab, Cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, Vincristine and Prenisolone (R-CHOP) for patients with Diffused B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) - "ACCEPT" - ACP-196 - ACERTA Pagination 1 2 Next page Next