Centre for Risk Research (CRR)


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Katie Parnell, Joel E Fischer, Jediah R Clark, Adrian Bodenmann, Maria Jose Galvez Trigo, Mario Brito, Mohammad Divband Soorati, Katherine Plant & Sarvapali Ramchurn, 2022, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 39(20)
Type: article
Mario Brito, Zhiyin Chen, James Wise & Simon Mortimore, 2022, Risk Analysis, 42(8), 1834-1851
Type: article
Andrew Delios, Elena Giulia Clemente, Tao Wu, Hongbin Tan, Yong Wang, Michael Gordon, Domenico Viganola, Zhaowei Chen, Anna Dreber, Magnus Johannesson, Thomas Pfeiffer, Eric Luis Uhlmann & Ian Dawson, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(30)
Type: article
Lin Zhu, Yue Wu, Honora Smith & Jiabin Luo, 2022, Journal of the Operational Research Society
Type: article
Ahmad Meile Almeile, Maxwell Chipulu, Udechukwu Ojiako, Ramesh Vahidi & Alasdair Marshall, 2022, Production Planning & Control
Type: article