Around 50 participants in the 2017 ABP Southampton marathon cheering for the camera. Their banner reads: "The cure for cancer? You're it."
Centre for Cancer Immunology

Donate to support our life-saving research

The Cancer Immunology Fund provides our scientists with the tools, ideas and equipment they need to carry out their research and develop new, live-saving treatments.
By giving to the fund you'll help speed up our work, ensuring cancer patients around the world get the immunotherapy treatments they need.

Ways to give

There are 3 ways you can give to the fund:

Make a donation

Leave a gift in your will

The kind decision to leave a gift in your will is a hugely powerful way to support the University of Southampton in years to come, giving our talented researchers the support they need to accelerate their groundbreaking research that offers hope to patients and their families.

For information about remembering the University in your will, please contact our legacies manager, Nicola Clark.

Fundraise for us

If you'd like to raise money for the Cancer Immunology Fund, please contact our community fundraising team.