Palaeoceanography and Palaeoclimate


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Steven D. Andrews, Audrey Decou, Bill Braham, Simon R. A. Kelly, Paula Robinson, Andrew C. Morton, John E. A. Marshall & Fiona Hyden, 2019, Basin Research
Type: article
Rachael Avery, Alan Kemp, Jonathan Bull, Richard Pearce, Mark, Eric Vardy, J. James Fielding & Carol Cotterill, 2019, Quaternary Science Reviews, 225
Type: article
Marina C. Rillo, Mauro T. C. Sugawara, Brenno Cabella, Lukas Jonkers, Ulrike K. Baranowski, Michal Kučera, Thomas H. G. Ezard & Derek Tittensor, 2019, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28(12), 1866-1878
Type: article
Richard Williams, Anna Katavouta & Philip Goodwin, 2019, Current Climate Change Reports, 1-14
Type: review