Research group

Nutrition, Endocrinology and Metabolism

Exterior view of the modern glass-fronted building that houses the Institute of Developmental Sciences.

Our mission is to understand disease processes and to improve lifelong human health and wellbeing through research and innovation in the areas of nutrition, endocrinology and metabolism.

Part of Medicine


Our research aims to improve the understanding of human disease, health and wellbeing across the lifecourse. We investigate: 

  • how lifestyle and nutrition influence growth, development, function, and resilience 
  • how nutrition, endocrinology, and metabolism link to altered functional capacity in cardiometabolic diseases 
  • how early life nutrition influences functional capacity and resilience in later life 
  • translation of new innovations to promote healthy aging in clinical/care settings

We propose new mechanisms, and test interventions, studying molecules, cells, individuals, and populations. We are especially interested in endocrine, metabolic, muscle and immune health. Our discoveries have identified new understandings for maintaining health and reducing disease risk, new therapeutic targets, new disease treatments and have influenced government policy. 

Our research teams and labs  

Our early career researchers

We welcome potential new ECRs to contact individual lab or team leads directly to enquire about fellowships and upcoming research opportunities.

People, projects, publications and PhDs


Dr Natalie Cox

NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Geriatric Med.

Research interests

  • Appetite and Nutrition in Later Life
  • Urgent care for older people
Connect with Natalie

Dr Nicola Englyst

Principal Teaching Fellow

Research interests

  • Educational projects
  • Patient-centred language in social media
  • Lab based research (collaborative) on platelets and microvesicles
Connect with Nicola

Dr Paul Afolabi

Senior Research Fellow
Connect with Paul

Dr Penny Nestel

Principal Teaching Fellow
Connect with Penny

Professor Philip Calder

Head of School

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Philip

Professor Richard Holt

Professor in Diabetes And Endocrinology
Connect with Richard

Dr Stephen Lim BM, PhD, MRCP(UK)

Principal Clinical Research Fellow

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Stephen

Dr Stephen Wootton PhD FAfN OBE

Associate Professor
Connect with Stephen

Dr Veronica Santiago

Research Fellow
Connect with Veronica

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