Marine Biology and Ecology


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Tegan Carpenter-Kling, Pierre Pistorius, Maëlle Connan, Ryan Reisinger, Sarah Magozzi & Clive Trueman, 2019, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 512, 12-21
Type: article
Hyeong Gi Kim, Lawrence E. Hawkins, Jasmin A. Godbold, Chul Woong Oh, Hyun Soo Rho & Stephen J. Hawkins, 2019, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 611, 95-110
Type: article
Rui P. Vieira, Clive N. Trueman, Lisa Readdy, Andrew Kenny & John K. Pinnegar, 2019, Journal of Fish Biology, 1-12
Type: review
Harriet Dale, Joe D. Taylor, Martin Solan, Phyllis Lam & Michael Cunliffe, 2019, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 95(2), 1-10
Type: article
Edward Wort, Mark Chapman, Stephen John Hawkins, Lucy Henshall, Alfonso Pita, Marc Rius, Suzanne T. Williams & Phillip Fenberg, 2019, Journal of Biogeography, 46(2), 369–380
Type: article