Marine Biogeochemistry


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D.W. Crawford, Duncan Purdie, Maeve Carroll Lohan, Peter John Statham, Tawnya D. Peterson, Hilary A. Kennedy, Michael S. Lipsen, Jennifer N. Putland & Frank A. Whitney, 2022, Frontiers in Marine Science
Type: article
Alejandro Torrado, Hannah Connabeer, Annika Rottig, Nicola Pratt, Alison Baylay, Matthew Terry, Christopher Moore & Thomas Bibby, 2022, Plant Physiology, 189(4), 2554-2566
Type: article
Ben A. Ward & Sinead Collins, 2022, Ecology Letters, 25(8), 1839-1853
Type: letterEditorial
Sixolile Mazwane, Alex Poulton, Anna Hickman, Fatma Jebri, Zoe Jacobs, Mike Roberts & Margaux Noyon, 2022, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 199
Type: article