Research group

Big Data in Health Group

Computer screen showing coloured code

Our groups research uses large volumes of complex, heterogeneous, multi-dimensional and often unstructured dataset from different sources. We aim to understand patterns, trends, and associations of diseases to inform preventive action.


We use traditional statistical methods alongside artificial intelligence algorithms to draw insights on real-world problems. This is combined with extensive qualitative research to provide a deeper understanding of big data findings and its use in both medical and social contexts. 

We are a diverse interdisciplinary team that includes health and social care workers, data scientists, epidemiologists, mathematicians, engineers, environmental scientists, sociologists, psychologists, health economists alongside patients and public members. The group is led by Dr Hajira Dambha-Miller. We regularly have visiting fellows from other institutions and across the faculty, as well as students. We collaborate with a range of external research institutions and partners across the UK and internationally.

We are based in the Primary Care Research Centre where we work across the departmental research themes, but we also apply our research knowledge and skills to a range of other topics. We regularly run seminars and online meetings to discuss all things related to data science. In all aspects of our work, from research design to dissemination of findings, we involve the public and patients, to ensure our research has public need and opinion at its centre.

View our videos on our Youtube channel.

People, projects, publications and PhDs


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