Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics

Our group undertakes top-class research on fundamental fluid dynamics, applied aerodynamics, flow control, flight dynamics and aeroacoustics.
Our group undertakes top-class research on fundamental fluid dynamics, applied aerodynamics, flow control, flight dynamics and aeroacoustics.
We undertake world-class research in aerodynamics and mechanics of flight whereby technological advancements achieved in our group can benefit academia, industry and society.
Our interactive and collegial community includes experts in:
Using world-class experimental facilities and in-house computer simulation and modelling codes, we explore the underlying physics of fluid flow and control mechanisms. Our aim is to improve the aerodynamics and flight mechanics of the next generation of aerospace applications.
We proud to host the Airbus Noise Technology Centre. We also work with 2 Rolls-Royce University technology centres which carry out research into:
Our main research areas include: