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Dr Jiahong Zhao PhD

Lecturer in Acoustics

Research interests

  • Microphone array signal processing,
  • spatial audio,
  • machine learning and computer vision.

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Jie Yuan FHEA, CEng, MRAeS


Research interests

  • Computational methods for complex dynamical systems
  • Dynamic control using novel functional material and interface
  • Non-deterministic approaches for robust optimisation and identification

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Jinghua Tang PhD

Research Fellow
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Mr Joe Tan PhD MSc BENG

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Active Noise Control
  • Acoustic Metamaterials
  • Nonreciprocal Acoustics
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Professor Joel Smethurst BEng PhD GMICE FHEA


Research interests

  • Deterioration of geotechnical infrastructure subject to both seasonal cycles of wetting and drying and applied traffic loading
  • The effect of extreme weather events and climate change on the performance of earthworks (cuttings and embankments) and flood levees
  • The effects of vegetation transpiration and root reinforcement on the performance of earthworks

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr John Armstrong

Snr Res Fellow in Engineering Economics
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Professor John Chaplin

Professorial Fellow-Research
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Dr John Harkness

Senior Research Fellow
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Dr John Lawson


Research interests

  • Turbulent and particle laden flows
  • Optical diagnostics development (e.g. 3D particle tracking and PIV, LIF)
  • Multiphase flows with mass transfer

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor John Mcbride

Professor of Electro-Mechanical Eng

Accepting applications from PhD students

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