A brief description of who you are and what you do.
This section will only display on your public profile if you’ve added content.
You can update this in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select ‘Edit profile’. Under the heading and then ‘Curriculum and research description’, select ‘Add profile information’. In the dropdown menu, select - ‘About’.
Write about yourself in the third person. Aim for 100 to 150 words covering the main points about who you are and what you currently do. Clear, simple language is best. You can include specialist or technical terms.
You’ll be able to add details about your research, publications, career and academic history to other sections of your staff profile.
Research interests
- Graft-versus-host disease and graft-versus-tumour effect
- Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- The interplay between the gut microbiome, metabolism, and the immune system
Current research
Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a cancer immunotherapy because it induces the graft-versus-tumour (GVT) effect, whereby donor-derived cells attack the host’s haematologic malignant cells. However, disadvantages of allogeneic HSCT include the difficulty in finding a suitable donor and the potential for damage to the recipient’s normal tissues due to immunological attacks by alloreactive donor-derived T cells, a process known as graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).
In collaboration with Professor Simón Méndez-Ferrer (University of Cambridge), my current study investigates the regulatory mechanisms of cholinergic signalling in generating GVH responses from donor lymphocytes in both mice and humans. Building on our preclinical models and clinical observations, this research has the potential to propose a promising target for reducing the risk of GVHD pathogenesis following allogeneic HSCT.
During my PhD and postdoctoral training in the United States with Distinguished Professor William J. Murphy at the University of California, Davis, I observed that obesity, a common pre-existing condition in transplant recipients, could skew the microbiome towards pathogenic bacteria which in turn predisposed these recipients to more severe GVHD responses post-transplantation. Although the study elucidated only a partial mechanism by which obesity facilitates GVHD pathogenesis, it provided valuable insights into potential therapeutic targets and an innovative strategy: reducing pathogenic bacteria pre-transplant to improve HSCT outcomes. I aim to expand this research direction to establish strategies of immunomodulation by the host microbiome for HSCT recipients.
You can update the information for this section in Pure (opens in a new tab).
Research groups
Any research groups you belong to will automatically appear on your profile. Speak to your line manager if these are incorrect. Please do not raise a ticket in Ask HR.
Research interests
Add up to 5 research interests. The first 3 will appear in your staff profile next to your name. The full list will appear on your research page. Keep these brief and focus on the keywords people may use when searching for your work. Use a different line for each one.
In Pure (opens in a new tab), select ‘Edit profile’. Under the heading 'Curriculum and research description', select 'Add profile information'. In the dropdown menu, select 'Research interests: use separate lines'.
Current research
Update this in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select ‘Edit profile’ and then ‘Curriculum and research description - Current research’.
Describe your current research in 100 to 200 words. Write in the third person. Include broad key terms to help people discover your work, for example, “sustainability” or “fashion textiles”.
Research projects
Research Council funded projects will automatically appear here. The active project name is taken from the finance system.
Public outputs that list you as an author will appear here, once they’re validated by the ePrints Team. If you’re missing any outputs that you’ve added to Pure, they may be waiting for validation.
A list of your current and past PhD students.
This section will only display on your public profile if content has been added.
Contact your Faculty Operating Service team to update PhD students you supervise and any you’ve previously supervised. Making this information available will help potential PhD applicants to find you.
A short description of your teaching interests and responsibilities.
This section will only display on your public profile if you’ve added content.
You can update your teaching description in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select ‘Edit profile’. Under the heading and then ‘Curriculum and research description’ , select ‘Add profile information’. In the dropdown menu, select – ‘Teaching Interests’. Describe your teaching interests and your current responsibilities. Aim for 200 words maximum.
Courses and modules
Contact the Curriculum and Quality Assurance (CQA) team for your faculty to update this section.
External roles and responsibilities
These are the public-facing activities you’d like people to know about.
This section will only display on your public profile if you’ve added content.
You can update your external roles and responsibilities in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select ‘+ Add content’ and then ‘Activity’, your ‘Personal’ tab and then ‘Activities’. Choose which activities you want to show on your public profile.
You can hide activities from your public profile. Set the visibility as 'Backend' to only show this information within Pure, or 'Confidential' to make it visible only to you.
Dr. Lam T. Khuat completed his PhD and postdoctoral training in the United States with Distinguished Professor William J. Murphy at the University of California, Davis, where his research focused on investigating the role of obesity-induced microbiota alterations in graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) outcomes following haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). He then joined the University of Cambridge to work with Professor Simón Méndez-Ferrer on cholinergic signalling and its regulation in normal haematopoiesis and GVHD. Dr. Khuat is establishing his research group in the Antibody and Vaccine Group, Centre for Cancer Immunology.
You can update your biography section in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select your ‘Personal’ tab then ‘Edit profile’. Under the heading, and ‘Curriculum and research description’, select ‘Add profile information’. In the dropdown menu, select - ‘Biography’. Aim for no more than 400 words.
This section will only appear if you enter the information into Pure (opens in a new tab).
You can update this section in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select ‘+Add content’ and then ‘Prize’. using the ‘Prizes’ section.
You can choose to hide prizes from your public profile. Set the visibility as ‘Backend’ to only show this information within Pure, or ‘Confidential’ to make it visible only to you.