Xiaoyan (Kelly) Xu is a lecturer based in Southampton Business School at the University of Southampton. She works in operations management (OM) domain with game-theoretical modelling approach. Her research interests lie in supply chain management and marketing-OM interfaces, including the topics of sustainability, digital transformation, and new normal. She serves as an Editorial Board member in Transportation Research Part E and also edited special issue in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Publication List:
- Xu, X., Sethi, S.P., Chung, S.H., Choi, T.M*. (2023). Reforming global supply chain management under pandemics: The GREAT-3Rs framework. Production and Operations Management, 32, 524–546.
- Xu, X., Siqin, T., Chung, S.H., Choi, T.M*. (2023). Seeking survivals under COVID‐19: The WhatsApp platform's shopping service operations. Decision Sciences, 54(4), 375-393.
- Xu, X., Sethi, S.P., Chung, S.H., Choi, T.M*. (2023). Ordering COVID-19 vaccines for social welfare under information updating: Optimal order policy and supplier selection in the digital age. IISE Transactions, published online.
- Xu, X., Choi, T.M., Chung, S.H., Shen, B*. (2023). Government subsidies and policies for mask production under COVID-19: Is it wise to control less? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, published online.
- Shen, B., Xu, X., Yuan, Q*. (2023). Demand learning through social media exposure in the luxury fashion industry: See now buy now versus see now buy later. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(4), 1295-1311.
- Xu, X., Sethi, S.P., Chung, S.H., Choi, T.M*. (2023). Global supply chain revolution: Achieving 3Rs with the "GREAT" strategy. Management and Business Review [POMS Journal for Practitioners], forthcoming.
- Wang, Y., Xu, X., Choi, T.M*., Shen, B. (2023). Will the presence of “fashion knockoffs” benefit the original-designer-label product supply chain? International Journal of Production Research, 1-26.
- Xu, X., Choi, T.M*., Chung, S.H. (2023). Collaborative-commerce in supply chains: A review and classification of OM analytical models. International Journal of Production Economics, published online.
- Shen, B., Zhang, T*., Xu, X., Chan, H.L*., Choi, T.M. (2022). Preordering in luxury fashion: will additional demand information bring negative effects to the retailer? Decision Sciences, 53(4), 681-711.
- Xu, X., Chung, S.H., Lo, C.K*., Yeung, A.C. (2022). Sustainable supply chain management with NGOs, NPOs, and charity organizations: A systematic review and research agenda. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 164, 102822.
- Pahlevani, M., Choi, T.M*., Heydari, J., Xu, X. (2021). Cooperative donation programs in supply chains with non-governmental organizations (NGOs). IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, published online.
- Shen, B., Xu, X*., Chan, H.L., Choi, T.M. (2021). Collaborative innovation in supply chain systems: Value creation and leadership structure. International Journal of Production Economics, 235, 108068.
- Shen, B., Cao, Y., Xu, X*., (2020). Product line design and quality differentiation for green and non-green products in a supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 58(1), 148-164.
- Shen, B., Xu, X., Yuan, Q*. (2020). Selling secondhand products through an online platform with blockchain. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 142, 102066.
- Wen, X., Xu, X., Choi, T.M*., Chung, S.H., (2019). Optimal pricing decisions of competing air-cargo-carrier systems: Impacts of risk aversion, demand and cost uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 50(12), 4933-4947.
- Shen, B.,Xu, X., Choi, T.M*., (2019). Simplicity is beauty: Pricing coordination in two-product supply chains with simplest contracts under voluntary compliance. International Journal of Production Research, 57(9), 2769-2787.
- Shen, B.,Xu, X., Guo, S*., (2019). The impacts of logistics services on short life cycle products. Transportation Research – Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 131, 153-167.