Doctor Richard Walton

Dr Richard Walton

Research Fellow in FW Lake Palaeoecology

Research interests

  • Climate-environment-human interactions
  • Freshwater ecosystem recovery from negative impacts
  • Palaeoecology as a conservation tool

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Richard


I am a palaeoecologist and conservation biologist with a varied range of research interests. I am currently looking at recovery pathways in lacustrine ecosystems as part of the RESTORE project being led by Prof. Pete Langdon.  

My main research interest of reconstructing past environments and ecological regimes includes a fondness for plant subfossils as well as other palaeoecological relics found in the sediment record in order to understand changes in aquatic systems as a way to lead conservation efforts. I also have a strong interest in ecological interactions with plants, especially at the aquatic-terrestrial interface, and learning how freshwater systems can be important spots for biodiversity conservation within the larger terrestrial landscape. I hope to be able to better integrate palaeoecological research into contemporary conservation and restoration efforts.