Dr Tamas Bansagi

Teaching Fellow in Chemical Engineering

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Following his undergraduate studies in chemistry and obtaining his PhD in Physical Chemistry, Tamas moved from Hungary to the US to undertake research at Florida State and Brandeis Universities before moving to the UK on a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship. After his research-focused roles in the School of Chemistry at Leeds and in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Sheffield, he became a teaching fellow in physical chemistry in the School of Chemistry at Birmingham, followed by a temporary lectureship in physical chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at Bath. Tamas' research involved the understanding and design of complex chemical systems capable of self-organisation seen in biology. He taught physical chemistry to students studying chemistry, chemical engineering and biochemistry, maths for chemistry and chemical engineering computing; and has been developing interactive web-apps for teaching and learning science and engineering.

Tamas joined the School of Chemistry as teaching fellow in chemical engineering in October 2023.