Doctor Duo Chan

Dr Duo Chan

Lecturer in Climate Sciences

Research interests

  • Climate data and statistical climatology
  • Machine learning in climate and environmental studies
  • Climate variability and climate dynamics

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.


Duo is a climate scientist, who develops statistical and physical tools to understand how the Earth’s climate works, aiming at improving the accuracy of climate projections.  Before joining University of Southampton as a Lecturer in 2023, Duo was a Fellow at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution after obtaining a Ph.D. at Harvard University in 2021.

Duo has multiple research interests related to climate science. First, Duo develops the Dynamically Consistent ENsemble of Temperature (DCENT).  This dataset reconciles many model-data discrepancies in climate variations before the 1960s and suggests a pattern of temperature evolution highly consistent with human-induced climate change.  Second, he studies air-sea coupling and explore implications for hurricane genesis and atmospheric jets.  Finally, he is interested in land-air interaction and implications for continental heatwaves and crop production.

Duo has published in Nature, Nature Food, Science Advances, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, Journal of Climate, Geophysical Research Letters, Earth's Future, Harvard Data Science Review, and Annuals of Applied Statistics.

Duo's Personal website