Research Research groups Member of: The Parkes Institute Centre for Democratic Futures Research projects Active projects The Praxis of Coexistence: A Comparative and Inductive Approach to the Challenges of Diversity Researchers: Doctor Sami Everett Sponsor: European Union Liminal Waterway Countercultures Researchers: Doctor Sami Everett Doctor Laura Harris Publications 5 publications Page 1 of 1 Zouj Samuel Sami Everett, 2023, Jewish Quarterly Review, 113(1), 41-47 DOI: 10.1353/jqr.2023.0009 Type: article Absent the archive: cultural traces of a massacre in Paris, 17 October 1961 Samuel Sami Everett, 2023, The Journal of North African Studies, 28(5), 1292-1296 DOI: 10.1080/13629387.2023.2168593 Type: review Algeria and France: historical & experiential layers of a footballing relationship Sami Everett, 2023, Asian Journal of Sport History & Culture, 1(3), 250-270 DOI: 10.1080/27690148.2023.2196660 Type: article Introduction Elisabeth Becker & Samuel Sami Everett, 2023, Patterns of Prejudice, 57(1-2), 1-16 DOI: 10.1080/0031322X.2023.2246294 Type: letterEditorial Book review Samuel Sami Everett, 2022, Patterns of Prejudice, 56(2-3), 189-193 DOI: 10.1080/0031322X.2022.2143820 Type: review