Paul Hurley is a transdisciplinary artist-researcher working inside and outside of universities. He specialises in creating qualitative, participatory and artistic research, as well as public engagement and communication projects. While Paul's roots are in the fields of Performance and Participatory Art, and More-than-human Geography, he has also worked on impact-led collaborations with colleagues in Agriculture, Theology, Biology, Veterinary Science, Medical Humanities, Nursing and Engineering. In 2022 Paul started working with the Centre for Higher Education Practice at the University of Southampton, creating programmes in researcher development.
Paul's interests are in more-than-human worlds, relational practices and identities, and in cultural knowledges and agency. He has worked on projects about agri-environment policy, farmed animal welfare, infection prevention, meat-eating masculinities, and on GCRF work around environmentalism and antimicrobial resistance in the food chain.
Research, public engagement and participatory art are all, for Paul, spaces of potential where ideas and issues can be explored, rather than just solved or communicated. Since 2003 he has produced a multitude of exhibitions and performances internationally, alongside films, videos, book works, academic presentations and publications.