Mr Charlie Knight

Mr Charlie Knight

 BA (Hons), MA

Research interests

  • Holocaust studies
  • German-Jewish History
  • Archives and collections

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Charlie Knight is a PhD candidate at the Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations at the University of Southampton. From 2021-24 he was funded by the Wolfson Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship in the Humanities, and for the 2024-25 academic year will hold a fellowship at the Leo Baeck Institute funded by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. 

Charlie has published articles and reviews in Jewish Culture and History and Germany History, with forthcoming articles in History and Memory and Holocaust Studies. He is currently working on two projects: the first co-editing a special edition of the journal Holocaust Studies with Barnabas Balint (Oxford) entitled 'Transnational Holocaust Studies in Histiry and Memory'; the second co-editing an edited collection with Sandra Lipner (Royal Holloway), Clara Dijkstra (Cambridge), and Christine Schmidt (The Wiener Holocaust Library) entitled Holocaust Letters: Methodology, Cases, and Reflections to be published with Bloomsbury in 2025.

He has given papers at conferences and workshops in the UK, Ireland, Belgium, the USA, Israel, Austria, and Germany. Charlie is also a member of the 'Migrant Knowledge' International Network, and an associate member of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the Univeristy of Exeter. He was former Joint Postgraduate Representative (with Barnabas Balint) of the British and Irish Association for Holocaust Studies and is currently an Outreach Fellow at the Parkes Institute and Communications Officer for the German History Society 

Charlie currently teaches at the School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies (SSEES) at University College London (UCL).