Nikolay is a Specialist Research Technician at the Electrochemistry Research Group in Chemistry at the University of Southampton.
Experience & role includes;
- Provide specialist technical support and manage the state-of-the-art Chemical Nanoanalysis Scanning Electron Microscope facility (CNSEM).
- Material characterisation via SEM, TEM, EDS, Raman, XRD and BET.
- Preparation of Edwards E306 evaporated metallic thin films.
- Support research projects (including data collection and beamline operation at Diamond Light Source).
- Manage and maintain equipment in Electrochemistry (optical microscope, contact angle, 3D printer, sputter coater...)
Nikolay can be contacted for all SEM related queries and for CNSEM facility access https://www.southampton.ac.uk/research/facilities/chemical-nanoanalysis-scanning-electron-microscope
Dean's Award 2020
Chartered Physicist, Institute of Physics awarded in 2019.
Research Technician at the University of Southampon 2017 - current.
Lead Physics Technician at the University of Portsmouth 2015 - 2017.
BSc Physics at the University of Kent 2011 - 2014.