Mr Nikolay Zhelev

Mr Nikolay Zhelev


Research interests

  • Electron microscopyX-ray microanalysis and Raman spectroscopyCharacterisation of electrochemical and nanomaterials

More research

Connect with Nikolay


Nikolay is a Specialist Research Technician at the Electrochemistry Research Group in Chemistry at the University of Southampton.

Experience & role includes;

  • Provide specialist technical support and manage the state-of-the-art Chemical Nanoanalysis Scanning Electron Microscope facility (CNSEM).
  • Material characterisation via SEM, TEM, EDS, Raman, XRD and BET.
  • Preparation of Edwards E306 evaporated metallic thin films.
  • Support research projects (including data collection and beamline operation at Diamond Light Source).
  • Manage and maintain equipment in Electrochemistry (optical microscope, contact angle, 3D printer, sputter coater...)

Nikolay can be contacted for all SEM related queries and for CNSEM facility access

Dean's Award 2020
Chartered Physicist, Institute of Physics awarded in 2019.
Research Technician at the University of Southampon 2017 - current.
Lead Physics Technician at the University of Portsmouth 2015 - 2017.
BSc Physics at the University of Kent 2011 - 2014.