Doctor Sergio Maldonado

Dr Sergio Maldonado

 PhD, MSc, BSc (Eng)

Research interests

  • environmental fluid mechanics and hydraulics
  • the interaction between fluid dynamics and algae
  • the use of Machine Learning in computational hydraulics

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Accepting applications from PhD students.

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Dr Sergio Maldonado’s research interests include various aspects of Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics; for example, mechanics of sediment transport in open channels and the morphodynamics of rivers and the coast. Dr Maldonado’s main focus is on the fundamental aspects of said topics, and how these can be used to improve the tools employed by the practitioner. He also works on the interaction between fluid dynamics and algae, the use of Machine Learning in computational hydraulics, and the development of pioneering techniques in experimental fluid mechanics.

Dr Maldonado’s previous research includes: theoretical aspects of water-sediment mechanics and coastal morphodynamics, development of numerical models aimed at quantifying the protective service provided by coastal ecosystems, the development of mathematical models (deterministic and stochastic) to study sediment transport and morphological evolution in open channels, and the modelling of nearshore hydrodynamics and water quality in coastal areas.