Mr Jamie Hawkins-Dady

Mr Jamie Hawkins-Dady

Research interests

  • Ship motions
  • Seakeeping
  • Autonomous surface vessels

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I am a PhD student researching the dynamics of wave-propelled ASVs. I graduated from the University of Southampton in 2020 with an MEng in Ship Science with Naval Architecture. During my undergraduate course, I found ship motions and maritime robitics particularly interesting, and so decided to pursue these interests with a PhD. I applied for and was accepted onto the INSPIRE PhD programme which is run out of the School of Ocean and Earth Science, although I spend most of my time in the Maritime Engineering Group which is part of the School of Engineering.

Alongside my PhD studies, I am a research assistant for the British Bobsleigh and Skeleton Association where I help develop some of their athlete training tools, and I assist with teaching on a number of modules for the Ship Science undergraduate programme.

In my spare time, I am an officer in the Royal Naval Reserve, and enjoy hiking and travelling.