Mr Wole Ademola Adewole

Mr Wole Ademola Adewole

Research interests

  • Population mapping
  • Settlement mapping & classification
  • Urban analytics

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Connect with Wole Ademola


Wole Ademola is a geospatial expert, specialising in applying the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to understand population and settlement mapping.

Wole Ademola brings a unique blend of expertise in GIS technology and urban planning, allowing for a comprehensive and holistic approach to develop new methodologies for population and settlement mapping/analyses. Through meticulous spatial analysis, Wole Ademola uncovers invaluable insights into the intricate relationships between geography, population distribution and their impact on service distribution or provision.

He actively collaborates with government agencies in Low and Middle Income countries and NGOs, translating research findings into tangible policy recommendations and actionable strategies. This dedication underscores his commitment to driving real-world change and improving the lives.