Doctor Stefano Modafferi

Dr Stefano Modafferi

Principal Enterprise Fellow

Research interests

  • Risk modelling
  • Data-driven business models
  • Enterprise Architectures

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Stefano


Dr Stefano Modafferi is a principal enterprise fellow and project manager at the Digital Health and Biomedical Engineering (DHBE) and IT Innovation Centre. He has a PhD in Information Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, followed by experience in research projects and industry prior to joining IT Innovation in Jan 2012. His core interests are in Process Management, Service Oriented Architecture, Information Modelling and Software Architecture. In the last 1- years he has been involved in 20+ research and innovation projects  He was the coordinator of the GRAVITATE project addressing the re-association, re-construction and re-assembly of dispersed pieces in the CH domain. He has also been involved the ProsocialLearn project which provided instruments for improving the social skills of 7-10 years old kids. He was the princial investigator of two large EC project on Manufacturing (ZDMP and EFPF) and he has been involved in fostering data-driven innovation in the EC DMS and DataPitch projects. He has over 20 scientific publications and he is a Prince2 certified project manager