After attaining a first class degree in Biological Sciences (Physiology) and PhD in Medical Physiology (Thesis title: Deafness in Meningitis) at the University of Birmingham Prof Parr undertook one postdoctoral research position (Effectiveness of Ginkgo biloba in treating tinnitus) and successfully published her findings in the BMJ before deciding to actively pursue a career in teaching and learning in higher education (in preference to a career in medical research).
Prof Parr was appointed as a Teaching Fellow at the University of Birmingham in 2000 and subsequently Lecturer upon completing a PGCert in Teaching and Learning. Prof Parr moved to Cardiff University in 2004 for a similar post. In both posts she was responsible for delivering teaching, assessment and student support to science, medical and dental students and a range of module, programme and curriculum change leadership responsibilities. Before leaving Cardiff Prof Parr was the Deputy Subdean (Academic) for the Medical Programme meaning she was responsible for all of the academic aspects of years 1 and 2 of the BM programme.
In 2007 Prof Parr made the decision to step out of medical education and take up an educational developer appointment at the University of Southampton to advance and widen her knowledge, understanding and experience of educational theory, evidence and practice whilst also developing and widening her skills in staff development, quality assurance and quality enhancement. She was responsible for leading a range of university wide enhancement activities including the PGCert in Academic Practice for which she was awarded a University Vice Chancellors teaching award in 2011. She worked with HR for the PVC (Education) to lead development of a new Framework for the professional development of staff at Southampton with respect to Education that was accredited by the HEA and is now in place as PREP.
In January 2011 Prof Parr went back into Medical Education as the BM4 (graduate entry medicine) Programme Leader in the Faculty of Medicine and successfully lead this programme until April 2017. In 2014 Professor Parr was successfully appointed to the role as Head of the Academic Unit for Medical Education (HoAUME), however she relinquished this role in 2015 to act as the interim Associate Dean (Education for the Faculty). Upon Appointment of a permanent, Associate Dean Prof Parr chose to take on the role as Director of Undergraduate Programmes rather than return to her HoAUME role.
In 2014 Prof Parr lead a team of staff and students who submitted a successful application on behalf of the Faculty for an international ASPIRE student engagement award.
Professor Parr’s sustained and significant skills, experience and reputation for academic excellence in learning and teaching was recognised in 2015 through her Principal Fellowship of the HEA and in 2016 when she was promoted to Professorial Fellow in Medical Education.
In 2018 Prof Parr was successfully appointed to the Director of CHEP role at the University of Southampton where she leads the Centre for Higher Education Practice.