Dr Nicholas Kingwell

Teaching Fellow

Research interests

  • The Wars of the Roses
  • The gentry of late medieval England

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Research interests

  • The Wars of the Roses
  • The gentry of late medieval England

Current research

I have two principal areas of research interest. The first is in the Wars of the Roses, and I am particularly concerned with studying how this period of civil war impacted upon the political society of south-western England under Edward IV and Richard III. I am also interested in the social, cultural and economic worlds of the late medieval English gentry. These two interests intersect in my present work studying the fortunes of the Arundell family of Lanherne (Cornwall) during the Wars of the Roses. This project seeks to analyse the dilemmas and problems which faced aristocratic families when deciding which side to support during a period of civil war, and the financial costs consequent upon allying with the losing side.  The study examines concepts of loyalty and service as well as the role of economic pragmatism in determining political behaviour amongst the landed elite, and serves also to highlight the important role played by aristocratic women in fifteenth century English political life.