Professor Diana Baralle

Professor Diana Baralle

 B.Sc., M.B.B.S, M.D, FRCP
Professor of Genomic Medicine

Research interests

  • RNA
  • Splicing
  • Genomics

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Diana


Professor Baralle is Professor of Genomic Medicine and Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Southampton.

She was  awarded the prestigious NIHR Research Professorship in 2017 and is the President of the Clinical Genetics Society.

Professor Baralle leads a group that investigates the role of RNA and splicing in genetic disease, new methods for genetic diagnostic testing, and the causes of rare disease syndromes. 

She is clinical specialty lead for Genetics for the Wessex CRN and a consultant in Clinical Genetics at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, with both a general genetics clinic and a specialist oculogenetics clinic.