Courses / Modules / LAWS3168 International Human Rights Law

International Human Rights Law

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Joe Atkinson
Academic year

Module overview

International human rights law is an essential part of international law. Human rights represent an important legal tool for empowering the most vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals and social groups, as well as promoting social, global and environmental justice, and sustainable development. Human rights, however, still remain severely violated all over the world and require the elaboration of efficient mechanisms for their respect, protection, and fulfillment at national, regional, and international levels.

The module introduces to the most important and topical issues surrounding international human rights law. It addresses problems of normative bases, right-holders, various types of human rights, corresponding territorial and extraterritorial obligations of states and non-state actors, and international and regional mechanisms of human rights protection. It also explores the role of human rights in solving pressing global problems, including world poverty and inequality, colonization, social, global and environmental injustice, various obstacles to sustainable development, as well as the use of digital technologies as a means for social exclusion and marginalization of people.

This module is aimed at laying the foundation for future advanced studies of, or work in, the field of human rights. It is designed for you to understand the pillars of international human rights law; to gain substantial knowledge of key human rights instruments, institutions, and practices; and to acquire a set of specific and transferable skills necessary for your successful career as a lawyer.