Courses / Modules / HIST3252 China in the Cold War – Part 2 (Themes)

China in the Cold War – Part 2 (Themes)

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Elisabeth Forster
Academic year

Module overview

After having explored the political chronology of China’s role in the Cold War in the first semester, we will turn to central themes in the second semester. Among the topics we will talk about are China’s policies regarding the atomic bomb and the arms race; its quest for a leadership role in what Mao Zedong called the ‘Third World’ and how this affects China-Africa relations today; the impact of the Cold War on Chinese literature, on foreigners living in China and on foreign academic perceptions of China. We will also discuss theoretical frameworks that we should consider when approaching the topic of the Cold War in China.

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