Courses / Modules / FILM6036 Film Studies Individually Negotiated Topic

Film Studies Individually Negotiated Topic

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Wai Yee Ruby Cheung
Academic year

Module overview

This involves an in-depth study of a specific area in film analysis, history or theory. Subject areas are chosen in collaboration with the MA Coordinator, and content is negotiated individually between the student and the tutor with relevant expertise. Course content and assessment modes are agreed by the end of the second week of the semester in which the course is taken and recorded on the student’s course selection form (returned to the MA Coordinator). This module provides students on the Film Studies MAs with a short, highly supervised ‘bite’ of research on a topic of their choosing (within the range of topic for which the Department can provide expert supervision) in preparation for the more extended and independent work required for the MA dissertation.