Courses / Modules / ENGL3110 Sex, Pleasure and African Literature

Sex, Pleasure and African Literature

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Ranka Primorac
Academic year

Module overview

Contemporary African literature is about pleasure and beauty, as much as it is about the continent’s struggle for social justice and decolonisation. In the past two decades, African novels have won critical acclaim by telling stories about modern lives that challenge conventional understandings of gendered, embodied and sexual freedom. Such novels have expanded the global repertoire of literary forms and contributed to literary debates about modern selfhood and self-making. The module introduces you to 21st-century African texts in the forefront of these debates (and to their historical forebears), equips you with vocabularies for intersectional critical thought, and expands your ability to analyse form and genre.