Courses / Modules / ELEC6232 Analogue and Mixed Signal CMOS Design

Analogue and Mixed Signal CMOS Design

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Rares Bodnar
Academic year

Module overview

The key aim of this module is to provide the background and the methods for the understanding of the operation of basic analogue CMOS cells, and how to design common functions. The emphasis is placed on design of analogue functions specifically as part of mixed signal systems.

Only a few “Digital” CMOS ICs are actually completely digital; most have some analogue functions, often signal conditioning and data conversion interfaces, but maybe only a clock oscillator. The approach adopted is based on “bottom-up” approach, by encouraging a sound understanding of the analogue behaviour of devices and a range of fundamental circuit principles, with the emphasis on gaining skills at first order design by hand as a starting point for simulation and as guidance for optimisation.

Device models suitable for hand calculation are considered as well as their limits of applicability. The methods for manufacturability and robustness in design are given high priority.

Functions addressed include primitive cells, biasing and references, op-amp designs, sampled and continuous time filters, A/D and D/A converters.

Pre-Requisite Knowledge:

  • Basic MOS transistor construction and physics
  • Basic MOS transistor large and small signal models
  • DC and AC network analysis skills
  • Behavioural level understanding of Op-Amp circuits
  • Elementary appreciation of sampled data systems
  • Basic circuit simulation CAD skills (SPICE)

Linked modules

Pre-requisites: ELEC2201 AND (ELEC2205 OR ELEC2217) OR ELEC6259