Courses / Modules / ARCH6119 Applied Maritime Archaeology

Applied Maritime Archaeology

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Rosemary Farr
Academic year

Module overview

This fifteen credit module will introduce you to the theoretical, ethical, logistic, technical and legislative issues that have to be addressed if the theory and practice of archaeology are to be successfully applied in the investigation of sites underwater and/or in the coastal zone. Case studies will be used to demonstrate the logistical aspects of excavation strategy, as well as the equipment and techniques necessary for search, survey, excavation and recording underwater and/or in the inter-tidal/coastal zone. The course includes practical sessions on excavation and aspects of recording (see below). Non divers can participate on an equal footing to divers through alternative or associated activities related to recording and project supervision. This module is designed to underpin practical training and fieldwork, thereby complementing the more thematic approach explored in the first Semester Core Unit: ‘Maritime Aspects of Culture’. Assessment involves completing a portfolio of work that reflects the current requirements of applied maritime archaeology work in a professional context.