Aeronautics and Astronautics (BEng)

Bachelor of Engineering
Typical Offer
A*AA View full entry requirements
3 years
Course Type
Highfield and Boldrewood
UCAS Course code

About this course

Learn to design future aircraft, race cars, satellites and rockets, and take your engineering passion to new heights. Our astronautics and aeronautics undergraduate degree covers advanced aerospace engineering. You'll learn how to design and manufacture fast-moving aircraft in the Earth’s atmosphere and outer space.

The course looks at the science, engineering and manufacture of aircraft, jet engines, race cars and spacecraft. You'll learn how they operate within our atmosphere and in space. Your degree will be aligned to the UK Space Agency Civil Space Strategy.

You'll study the principles of aerospace engineering including aerodynamics, astronautics and propulsion. You'll also explore the economic, legal and environmental issues around aircraft and spacecraft. You'll get hands-on experience in extensive facilities, which include:

  • dedicated student design studios and workshops
  • the largest wind tunnel in any UK university
  • state-of-the-art space propulsion facilities
  • jet laboratory with supersonic ramjet, turbojet and rocket engine
  • Boeing flight simulator
  • professional manufacturing centre

As part of this astronautics and aeronautics BEng degree you can:

  • take part in practical design modules in every year of your degree
  • design, build and test aircraft, spacecraft and their wider components
  • take part in a flight-testing course, on board a flying laboratory aircraft
  • showcase your work in our annual Engineering Design Show 
  • attend site visits to experience engineering in practice

Year in industry

Enhance your employability by taking this course with a paid industrial placement year.

Apply using:

  • Course name: Aeronautics and Astronautics with Industrial Placement Year
  • UCAS code: H40P

You'll spend this extra year at an engineering firm, applying the skills and knowledge you've learned so far.

The fee is 20% of the standard annual tuition fee.

We regularly review our courses to ensure and improve quality. This course may be revised as a result of this. Any revision will be balanced against the requirement that the student should receive the educational service expected. Find out why, when, and how we might make changes.

Our courses are regulated in England by the Office for Students (OfS).


This course is accredited by the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) as meeting the academic requirement, in part, for Chartered Engineer registration.

This course is accredited by:

Course locations

This course is based at Highfield and Boldrewood.

Awarding body

This qualification is awarded by the University of Southampton.

Download the Course Description Document

The Course Description Document details your course overview, your course structure and how your course is taught and assessed.