BSc/BEng/MEng/MSci Engineering Programmes 2024-25

Academic Regulations: Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Final Award

Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) 

Bachelor of Science (BSc) 

Master of Engineering (MEng) 

Master of Science (MSci) 

with exit awards of: 

Certificate of Higher Education 

Diploma of Higher Education 

Ordinary Degree 

  • BSc Acoustics with Music (closed to applications)
  • BSc Healthcare Sciences (Audiology) (closed to applications)
  • BSc Hearing Science
  • BSc Audiology*
  • BSc Hearing Science*
  • MSci Audiology*
  • MSci Hearing Science*
  • BEng Acoustical Engineering
  • BEng Acoustical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Acoustical Engineering
  • MEng Acoustical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • BEng Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • BEng Aeronautics and Astronautics with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics (including Aerodynamics, Airvehicle Systems Design, Computational Engineering and Design (closed to applications), Engineering Management, Materials and Structures, Semester Abroad, Spacecraft Engineering)
  • MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics with Industrial Placement Year (including Aerodynamics, Airvehicle Systems Design, Computational Engineering and Design (closed to applications), Engineering Management, Materials and Structures, Semester Abroad, Spacecraft Engineering)
  • BEng Civil Engineering
  • BEng Civil Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Civil Engineering
  • MEng Civil Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • MEng Civil Engineering and Architecture with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Civil Engineering with a Year in Industry
  • MEng Civil and Environmental Engineering (closed to applications)
  • MEng Civil and Environmental Engineering with Industrial Placement Year (closed to applications)
  • BEng Mechanical Engineering
  • BEng Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Mechanical Engineering (including Acoustical Engineering (closed to applications), Advanced Materials (closed to applications), Aerospace, Automotive, Biomedical Engineering, Computational Engineering and Design (closed to applications), Engineering Management (closed to applications), Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Naval Engineering (closed to applications), Semester Abroad, Sustainable Energy Systems)
  • MEng Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year (including Acoustical Engineering (closed to applications), Advanced Materials (closed to applications), Aerospace, Automotive, Biomedical Engineering, Computational Engineering and Design (closed to applications), Engineering Management (closed to applications), Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Naval Engineering (closed to applications), Semester Abroad, Sustainable Energy Systems)
  • BEng Medical Engineering
  • BEng Medical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Medical Engineering
  • MEng Medical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • BEng Ship Science (closed to applications)
  • BEng Ship Science with Industrial Placement Year (closed to applications)
  • MEng Ship Science (including Advanced Materials, Engineering Management, Semester Abroad, Naval Architecture, Naval Engineering, Offshore Engineering, Yacht and Small Craft, Advanced Computational Engineering, International Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and Autonomy, Naval Architecture, Ocean Energy and Offshore Engineering, Yacht and High-Performance Craft) (closed to applications)
  • MEng Ship Science with Industrial Placement Year (including Advanced Materials, Engineering Management, Semester Abroad, Naval Architecture, Naval Engineering, Offshore Engineering, Yacht and Small Craft, Advanced Computational Engineering, International Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and Autonomy, Naval Architecture, Ocean Energy and Offshore Engineering, Yacht and High-Performance Craft) (closed to applications)  
  • BEng Maritime Engineering  
  • BEng Maritime Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Maritime Engineering (including Advanced Computational Engineering, International Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and Autonomy, Naval Architecture, Ocean Energy and Offshore Engineering, Yacht and High-Performance Craft)
  • MEng Maritime Engineering with Industrial Placement Year (including Advanced Computational Engineering, International Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and Autonomy, Naval Architecture, Ocean Energy and Offshore Engineering, Yacht and High-Performance Craft)
  • BEng Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
  • BEng Control Engineering
  • BEng Marine Engineering
  • BEng Underwater Acoustics

* Includes Part-Time

Last modifiedApril 2024

The Academic Regulations apply to and regulate the programme(s) listed above.

On occasion, programmes can be exempted from one or more of the clauses in the Regulations; one or more of the clauses can be varied; and programmes can impose additional requirements.

  • Exemptions are characterised by the omission of the relevant clause.
  • Variations are characterised by the replacement of the clause with alternative wording.
  • Additions are characterised by requirements in addition to those detailed in the Academic regulations.

The programmes listed have approval from the Academic Quality and Standards Subcommittee for the exemptions and/or variations and/or additions to the regulations noted below.


The clause(s) listed below describe where a exemption to the Regulations exists:

None apply


The clause(s) listed below describe where a variation to the Regulations exists.

Programmes: all MEng/MSci programmes 

Existing University Regulation (inc. link) 

Approved Variation 

Applies to all students on these programmes. 

2Definitions specific to Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes
2.2The University standard Average Mark for a Part for undergraduate students on each Part of a programme is 40.  Where professional standards, including but not limited to PSRB requirements, require an Average Mark for a Part that differs from the University standard this will be stated in the relevant programme regulations. In order to progress from Part III to Part IV of any Integrated Masters programme (MEng/Msci), students are required to obtain a mark of at least 58 across the weighted average of Parts II and III, where the weighting of the Parts used to calculate that average is 1:2. 
6Referrals and Repeats for Integrated Masters Programmes and other Programme Parts with a higher required average 


Where programme regulations require a student to achieve an Average Mark for the Part which is higher than the University standard required Average Mark for a Part, a student failing to achieve this higher Average Mark for the Part may Refer in Modules in which the mark originally achieved was less than the required Average Mark for the Part, to a maximum credit value of 15 ECTS (30 CATS).  In this case: 


For progression from Part III to Part IV, a weighted average as specified in paragraph 2.2 (variation) is required.  A student failing to achieve this weighted average may Refer in Modules taken in Part III to a maximum credit value of 15 ECTS (30 CATS).  In this case: 


Students may choose the Modules in which they refer, with the constraint that Modules in which the mark achieved is a non-Compensatable fail must be taken. Students may choose the Modules taken in Part III in which they Refer, with the constraint that Modules in which the mark achieved is a Non-Compensatable Fail must be taken. 


The actual marks obtained at Referral will be inserted into the marks profile to determine whether the required Average Mark has been obtained. The actual marks obtained at Referral in part III will be inserted into the marks profile to determine whether the required weighted average has been obtained. 


For the purpose of the classification algorithm described n paragraph 9.6 below, marks for Modules originally Failed will be Capped at the Capped Mark; for Modules Passed by Referred to raise the Average Mark for the Part, the original Module mark will be carried forward. For the purpose of the classification algorithm described in paragraph 9.6 below, marks for Modules originally Failed will be Capped at the Capped Mark; for Modules Passed by Referred to raise the weighted average, the original Module mark will be carried forward. 


If the Referral is successful, the Average Mark for the Part carried forward for the Part will be the required Average Mark for the Part. If the Referral is successful, the weighted average mark of Part II and Part III will be capped at 58 and used for classification. 


If the student subsequently elects to transfer to a programme not requiring the higher Average Mark for the Part, that part of the Referral not needed to meet the requirements of the new programme shall be disregarded and the Average Mark for the Part recalculated on that basis. If the student subsequently elects to exit with a BEng/BSc award, that part of the Referral not needed to meet the requirements for a BEng/BSc award shall be disregarded and the weighted average used for award classification shall be recalculated on that basis. 


If the student does not obtain the required Average Mark for the Part on Referral, a Repeat will be permitted. If the student does not obtain the required weighted average on Referral, a Repeat of Part III will be permitted. 



A student Repeating solely in order to achieve an Average Mark for a Part higher than the University standard required Average Mark for a Part may choose to Repeat internally or Externally.  In this case: 


A student Repeating solely in order to achieve a weighted average as specified in paragraph 2.2 (variation) may choose to Repeat Part III Internally or Externally.  In this case: 


An Internal Repeat will consist of all Modules, including those Passed at the first sitting.  A student is permitted to select new Option Modules in place of the Option Modules taken at the first attempt.  A student choosing an Internal Repeat is not permitted to change to an External Repeat part way through the year.  However a student will have no right to Refer in such Modules.  The marks achieved at Internal Repeat will be inserted into the marks profile and paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4 applied again to determine Profession.  Marks for Modules in which the Module Pass Mark was not obtained at the first attempt, and for any new Options substituted for such modules will be Capped at the Module Pass Mark for all calculations related to determination of a final degree classification (see section 9 below).  For all other Modules, the mark obtained at Repeat will be carried forward.  The Average Mark carried forward for the Part to determine degree classification will be the required Average Mark. An Internal Repeat will consist of all Modules, including those Passed at the first sitting.  A student is permitted to select new Option Modules in place of the Option Modules taken at the first attempt. However a student will have no right to Refer in such Modules. A student choosing an Internal Repeat is not permitted to change to an External Repeat part way through the year.  The marks achieved at Internal Repeat will be inserted into the marks profile and paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4 applied again to determine Progression.  Marks for Modules in which the Module Pass Mark was not obtained at the first attempt and for any new options substituted for such modules will be Capped at the Module Pass Mark for all calculations related to determination of a final degree classification (see section 9 below).  For all other Modules the mark obtained at Repeat will be carried forward.  To determine degree classification, the weighted average mark of Parts II and III will be capped at 58. 


An External Repeat will consist of all those Modules in which the Module Pass Mark was not obtained at the first attempt or at Referral.  A student choosing an External Repeat is not permitted to change to an Internal Repeat part way through the year.  In addition a student Repeating to achieve an Average Mark higher than the University standard required Average Mark for a Part may choose to Repeat any other module in which they achieved a mark lower than the required Average Mark at the first attempt or at Referral.  The most recent marks for Modules not Repeated will be used for determining Progression.  The marks achieved at External Repeat will be inserted into the most recent marks profile and paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4 applied again to determine Progression.  After determining progression, the marks for modules that were passed for the first time at external repeat or during referral will be capped at the Module Pass Mark and these capped marks will be used in the classification algorithm described in section 9 below.  For all other Modules, the mark obtained at the first attempt will be carried forward.  The Average Mark carried forward for the Part to determine degree classification will be the required Average Mark. An External Repeat will consist of all those Modules in which the Module Pass Mark was not obtained at the first attempt or at Referral.  A student choosing an External Repeat is not permitted to change to an Internal Repeat part way through the year.  In addition a student Repeating to increase their weighted average may also choose to Repeat any other module.  The most recent marks for Modules not Repeated will be used for determining Progression.  The marks achieved at External Repeat will be inserted into the most recent marks profile and paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4 applied again to determine Progression.  After determining progression, the marks for modules that were passed for the first time at external repeat or during referral will be capped at the Module Pass Mark and these capped marks will be used in the classification algorithm described in section 9 below.  For all other Modules, the mark obtained at the first attempt will be carried forward.  To determine degree classification, the weighted average mark of Parts II and III will be capped at 58. 


If a student Repeats wholly or in part in order to achieve an Average Mark which is above the University standard required Average Mark for a Part, but subsequently transfers to a programme not requiring the higher Average Mark, that part of the repeat not needed to meet the requirements of the new programme shall be disregarded and the Average Mark recalculated on that basis. If a student Repeats wholly or in part in order to achieve the required weighted average, but subsequently chooses to exit with a BEng/BSc, that part of the Repeat not needed to meet the requirements of the BEng/BSc shall be disregarded and the Average Mark for Part III recalculated on that basis. 
Programmes: BEng Civil Engineering; BEng Civil Engineering with Industrial Placement Year; MEng Civil Engineering; MEng Civil Engineering with Industrial Placement Year (closed to applications); MEng Civil Engineering and Architecture; MEng Civil Engineering and Architecture with Industrial Placement Year  

Existing University Regulation (inc. link) 


Approved Variation 

Applies to all students entering these programmes in 2021/22 academic year. 



Pass by Compensation 

A student Passing all Core Modules and achieving or exceeding the University standard Average Mark for the Part, but failing to achieve the required Pass Mark in non-Core Modules totalling at most 15 ECTS (30 CATS), may be awarded credit and a Pass by Compensation in those failed modules provided no Module Mark is less than the Qualifying Mark and (subject to meeting any additional requirements under paragraph 3.2) will progress to the next Part of the programme or to an award. In deciding whether a student may progress, these criteria are applied first and, if a Pass is so achieved, no Referral right is retained (except as specified in paragraph 6.1). 


Pass by Compensation 

A student Passing all Core modules and achieving or exceeding the University standard Average Mark for Part, but failing to achieve the required Pass Mark in non-Core Modules totalling at most 7.5 ECTS (15 CATS), may be awarded credit and a Pass by Compensation in those failed modules provided no Module Mark is less than the Qualifying Mark and (subject to meeting any additional requirements under paragraph 3.2) will progress to the next Part of the programme or to an award.  In deciding whether a student may progress, these criteria are applied first and, if a Pass is so achieved, no Referral right is retained (except as specified in paragraph 6.1). 


  • BEng Acoustical Engineering
  • BEng Acoustical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Acoustical Engineering
  • MEng Acoustical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • BEng Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • BEng Aeronautics and Astronautics with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics (including Aerodynamics, Airvehicle Systems Design, Computational Engineering and Design (closed to applications), Engineering Management, Materials and Structures, Semester Abroad, Spacecraft Engineering)
  • MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics with Industrial Placement Year (including Aerodynamics, Airvehicle Systems Design, Computational Engineering and Design (closed to applications), Engineering Management, Materials and Structures, Semester Abroad, Spacecraft Engineering)
  • BEng Civil Engineering
  • BEng Civil Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Civil Engineering
  • MEng Civil Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • MEng Civil Engineering and Architecture with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Civil and Environmental Engineering with Industrial Placement Year; (closed to applications)  
  • BEng Mechanical Engineering
  • BEng Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Mechanical Engineering (including Acoustical Engineering (closed to applications), Advanced Materials (closed to applications), Aerospace, Automotive, Biomedical Engineering, Computational Engineering and Design (closed to applications), Engineering Management (closed to applications), Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Naval Engineering (closed to applications), Semester Abroad, Sustainable Energy Systems)
  • MEng Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year (including Acoustical Engineering (closed to applications), Advanced Materials (closed to applications), Aerospace, Automotive, Biomedical Engineering, Computational Engineering and Design (closed to applications), Engineering Management (closed to applications), Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Naval Engineering (closed to applications), Semester Abroad, Sustainable Energy Systems)
  • BEng Medical Engineering
  • BEng Medical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Medical Engineering
  • MEng Medical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • BEng Ship Science (closed to applications)
  • BEng Ship Science with Industrial Placement Year (closed to applications)
  • MEng Ship Science (including Advanced Materials, Engineering Management, Semester Abroad, Naval Architecture, Naval Engineering, Offshore Engineering, Yacht and Small Craft, Advanced Computational Engineering, International Naval Architecture, marine Engineering and Autonomy, Naval Architecture, Ocean Energy and Offshore Engineering, Yacht and High-Performance Craft)
  • MEng Ship Science with Industrial Placement Year (including Advanced Materials, Engineering Management, Semester Abroad, Naval Architecture, Naval Engineering, Offshore Engineering, Yacht and Small Craft, Advanced Computational Engineering, International Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and Autonomy, Naval Architecture, Ocean Energy and Offshore Engineering, Yacht and High-Performance Craft (closed to applications))
  • BEng Maritime Engineering  
  • BEng Maritime Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • MEng Maritime Engineering (including Advanced Computational Engineering, International Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and Autonomy, Naval Architecture, Ocean Energy and Offshore Engineering, Yacht and High-Performance Craft)
  • MEng Maritime Engineering with Industrial Placement Year (including Advanced Computational Engineering, International Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and Autonomy, Naval Architecture, Ocean Energy and Offshore Engineering, Yacht and High-Performance Craft).

Existing University Regulation (inc. link) 

Approved Variation 

Applies to all students entering these programmes from the 2022/23 academic year onwards. 

2.Definitions specific to Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes
2.2The University standard Average Mark for a Part for undergraduate students on each Part of a programme is 40.  Where professional standards, including but not limited to PSRB requirements, require an Average Mark for a Part that differs from the University standard this will be stated in the relevant programme regulations. In order to progress from Part III to Part IV of any Integrated Masters programme (MEng/Msci), students are required to obtain a mark of at least 58 across the weighted average of Parts II and III, where the weighting of the Parts used to calculate that average is 1:2. 
2.3The University standard Qualifying Mark for undergraduate students taking Modules at all levels is 25, except for modules where credit only is being imported from an exchange or outgoing study abroad for which the Qualifying Mark is zero.  Where professional standards, including but not limited to PSRB requirements, require a Qualifying Mark that differs from the University standard this will be stated in the relevant programme regulations. The Qualifying Mark for undergraduate students taking modules at all levels is 30. 
2.4 The Cumulative Compensated Credit is the sum of credit passed by compensation in all previous Parts. 
3Criteria for Progression 

Pass by Compensation 

A student Passing all Core Modules and achieving or exceeding the University standard Average Mark for the Part, but failing to achieve the required Pass Mark in non-Core Modules totalling at most 15 ECTS (30 CATS), may be awarded credit and a Pass by Compensation in those failed modules provided no Module Mark is less than the Qualifying Mark and (subject to meeting any additional requirements under paragraph 3.2) will progress to the next Part of the programme or to an award.  In deciding whether a student may progress, these criteria are applied first and, if a Pass is so achieved, no Referral right is retained (except as specified in paragraph 6.1). 

Pass by Compensation 

A student passing all Core Modules and achieving or exceeding the University standard Average Mark for the Part, but failing to achieve the required Pass Mark in non-Core modules may be awarded credit and a Pass by Compensation in one or more of those failed modules provided that: 

  • No Module Mark is less than the Qualifying Mark, and
  • The Cumulative Compensated  Credit and the credit passed by compensation in the current Part totals at most 15 ECTS (30 CATS). 

A student awarded a Pass by Compensation will (subject to meeting any additional requirements under paragraph 3.2) progress to the next Part of the programme or to an award.  In deciding whether a student may progress, these criteria are applied first and, if a Pass of the Part is so achieved, no Referral right is retained (except as specified in paragraph 6.1).

4.2A student who fails to progress under paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4 on a programme where all Modules in a Part have been designated Core in order to meet the stipulations of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies, Referral is allowed in Failed modules in that Part totalling at most 30 ECTS (60 CATS) if permitted by the programme regulations.   A student who fails to progress under paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4, for whom 4.1 does not apply and Failing in Modules to a maximum of 30 ECTS (60 CATS) may be eligible to Refer. 
4.2.1A student Failing in Modules to a maximum of 30 ECTS (60 CATS) who has achieved the University Average Mark for the Part may be awarded credit and a Pass by Compensation in eligible Modules up to a maximum of 15 ECTS (30 CATS). A student may then Refer in up to 15 ECTS (30 CATS) of further modules, with the constraints that all Core Modules and all Modules in which the mark obtained is less than the Qualifying Mark must be Referred and that Referrals may be taken only in the minimum number of credits needed to achieve a Pass in the Part, as long as doing so successfully would enable the student to Pass the Part. A student who cannot obtain a Pass through the permitted number of Referrals is required to Repeat the Part. A student may Refer in up to 15 ECTS (30 CATS) credits of further modules, with the constraints that all Core Modules and all Modules in which the mark obtained is less than the Qualifying Mark must be Referred, and that Referrals may be taken only in the minimum number of credits needed to achieve a Pass in the Part, as long as doing so successfully would enable the student to Pass the Part.  Additionally, a student may refer in further Failed Modules, where the Qualifying Mark has been achieved, up to a maximum number of credits equal to their Cumulative Compensated Credit.  A student who cannot obtain a Pass through the permitted number of Referrals is required to Repeat the Part. 
4.2.2If a Failed Module has a higher credit value than the student requires for Progression, the student may nonetheless be Referred in that Module. If a Failed Module has a higher credit value than the student requires for Progression, the student may nonetheless be Referred in that Module.   
4.2.3A student is not permitted to Refer in a Module that has already been Passed in order to improve the mark, except where programme regulations require the student to achieve an Average Mark higher than the University standard required Average Mark for a Part – see paragraph 6.1. below.  A student is not permitted to Refer in a Module that has already been Passed in order to improve the mark, except where programme regulations require the student to achieve an Average Mark higher than the University standard required Average Mark for a Part – see paragraph 6.1. below. 
6Referrals and Repeats for Integrated Masters Programmes and other Programme Parts with a higher required average 


Where programme regulations require a student to achieve an Average Mark for the Part which is higher than the University standard required Average Mark for a Part, a student failing to achieve this higher Average Mark for the Part may Refer in Modules in which the mark originally achieved was less than the required Average Mark for the Part, to a maximum credit value of 15 ECTS (30 CATS).  In this case: 


Where programme regulations require a student to achieve an Average Mark for the Part which is higher than the University standard required Average Mark for a Part, a student failing to achieve this higher Average Mark for the Part, who is not required to refer modules with a credit value of more than 7.5 ECTS (15 CATS) under paragraph 4.2, may Refer in Modules in which the mark originally achieved was less than the required Average Mark for the Part, to a maximum credit value of 15 ECTS (30 CATS).  In this case: 

6.1.1 Students may choose the Modules in which they refer, with the constraint that Modules in which the mark achieved is a Non-Compensatable fail must be taken.

Additional requirements

The clause(s) listed below are in addition to the Regulations.

Programmes: all MEng/MSci programmes 

  • For students on an MEng programme with semester abroad who choose to exit with a BEng award after completing Part III, the award will be classified over all Part II and III modules with a numerical mark, including those with a mark generated by conversion using the Study Abroad marks conversion table below. 

Programmes: BSc Healthcare Sciences (Audiology) (closed to applications), BSc Hearing Science, BSc Audiology*, BSc Hearing Science*, MSci Healthcare Sciences (Audiology) (closed to applications), MSci Audiology* and the MSci Hearing Science* are subject to DBS requirements. 

  • Continuation on your programme is subject to consideration of any criminal convictions. The programme is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act [1986]. All students are required to inform the Faculty of all criminal convictions both prior to and throughout their period of enrolment. All students will be subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
  • Continuation on your programme is subject to specific health requirements (consistent with the provisions of the Equality Act [2010]).  Students are required to inform the Faculty of any health problems, throughout their period of enrolment, relevant to their future employment as a professional.
  • To meet professional expectations, the maximum duration for these programmes is the standard length of the programme plus 2 years, inclusive of any period of suspension or repeat. Should the student fail to complete their programme within that time, their candidature will be terminated with an exit award commensurate with the credit attained. In exceptional circumstances, and with permission of the Deputy Head of School (Education) or delegate, a student may be permitted up to a maximum of one additional year to complete the programme.
  • A student who does not achieve a pass in a practice placement module at the first attempt, or following any permitted reassessment or referral opportunity as specified in the programme documentation, has no right to repeat the year and will be transferred to the non-clinical pathway of the programme.
  • Students on the Science Foundation Year, progressing to the BSc/MSci Audiology, who were not Disclosure and Barring Service/Occupational Health checked when they first enrolled, will need to undergo these checks and meet the professional requirements for clinical training before progression to Audiology Part I is confirmed. 

Programmes: all BEng or MEng with Industrial Placement Year programmes 

Industrial Placement Year 

  • Students on BEng or MEng with Industrial Placement Year taking their placement between Parts II and III may not commence their placement until successful completion of Part II, either at the first opportunity or following a referral opportunity or a repeat of Part II. Students on MEng with Industrial Placement Year taking their placement between Parts III and IV may not commence their placement until successful completion of Part III, either at the first opportunity or following a referral opportunity or a repeat of Part III.
  • Students on BEng or MEng with Industrial Placement Year who fail the placement assessment will be referred in that assessment requiring submission of a new industrial placement assessment. Subsequent failure in the referral assessment will result in transferring to the corresponding MEng programme without Industrial Placement Year   

Programmes:: all BEng or MEng programmes 

BSc Engineering 

The BSc Engineering is a non-honours, unclassified exit award of the BEng and MEng programmes. It does not have Engineering Council accreditation. It may be passed by compensation when   

  • the average mark over all modules at level 6 or higher contributing to the award is greater than 40;
  • a maximum of 15 ECTS (30 CATS) of credit contributing to the award has a mark between 25 and 40; and
  • the remainder of the modules contributing to the award  have marks greater than or equal to 40. 

Additional requirements relating to the Award of Qualification 

Study Abroad 

For undergraduate students undertaking a credit-bearing period of study at an institution outside the UK (including those participating in exchange programmes and independent study abroad programmes) the following conversion scale will be used:


North America 

GPA Range 

UoS Range 


3.7 – 4.0+ 

70 or over 



3.2 – 3.6 

60 – 70 



2.5 – 3.1 

55 – 60 



1.9 – 2.4 

50  -55 



0.9 – 1.8 

40 – 50 




0.5 – 0.8 

25 – 40 



0.0 – 0.4 

Below 25 

Conversion from Harbin Engineering University to University of Southampton marks 

The following conversion applies to the BEng Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, BEng Marine Engineering, BEng Underwater Acoustics, and the BEng Control Engineering, delivered at the Southampton Ocean Engineering Joint Institute at Harbin Engineering University (the JEI). 

26 17 51 34 76 58 
27 18 52 35 77 59 
28 19 53 35 78 60 
29 19 54 36 79 62 
30 20 55 37 80 63 
31 21 56 37 81 64 
32 21 57 38 82 66 
33 22 58 39 83 67 
34 23 59 39 84 69 
10 35 23 60 40 85 70 
11 36 24 61 41 86 72 
12 37 25 62 42 87 73 
13 38 25 63 43 88 75 
14 39 26 64 44 89 76 
15 10 40 27 65 45 90 78 
16 41 27 66 46 91 80 
17 42 28 67 47 92 82 
18 12 43 29 68 48 93 84 
19 13 44 29 69 60 94 86 
20 13 45 30 70 51 95 88 
21 14 46 31 71 52 96 90 
22 15 47 31 72 53 97 92 
23 15 48 32 73 54 98 95 
24 16 49 33 74 55 99 97 
25 17 50 33 75 57 100 100 


These regulations should be read in conjunction with the programme specification.


As a research-led University, we undertake a continuous review of our programmes to ensure quality enhancement and to manage our resources. As a result, these regulations may be revised during a student’s period of registration, however, any revision will be balanced against the requirement that the student should receive the educational service expected. Please read our Disclaimer to see why, when and how changes may be made to a student’s programme.