Navya Gulati working at a computer station

The community at Southampton is very welcoming and enthusiastic

Published: 2 January 2024

Being actively involved in the Southampton’s student community has been a big part of Navya’s time at the University of Southampton. She met many like-minded people, attended various events and made the most of the opportunities and support available, while studying for her Accounting & Finance degree.

Why did you choose to come and study at Southampton?

I chose to study at the University of Southampton as it is ranked well for my course, with outstanding education and diverse culture. As a city, Southampton is very convenient to live in, and is a very student friendly and green city.

What’s your favourite part of being a student at the University of Southampton? 

The best part is finding like-minded people and amazing employability opportunities. Everybody around is friendly and helpful and I feel really happy and to belong to the Southampton community. I find my course really interesting because I am not only restricted to my core subjects but also get to learn about other business fields. 

I've undertaken summer internships and this work experience has helped me to apply the concepts I've studied and enhanced my professional working skills.
Navya Gulati

Have you undertaken any internships or other employability opportunities that enhanced your experience?

I've got an internship with Goldman Sachs this summer and I'm going to be working as the operations analyst. So it's everything that I've learned so far in university which I'm going to be applying into the actual business world and I'm really excited for that. 

I also really like the employability services that the University provides such as the help with CV writing and cover letters. You also get other opportunities related to accountancy, like the sustainability reporting that I'm doing at the moment with the University, and the student innovation and summer innovation programmes that are offered to us, which really enhances what we have already learned on our course and gives us the chance to use that in the actual world.

Have you received any awards or taken on additional responsibilities as part of your study?

I received the Dean’s List Award for my performance in my year 1 and it boosted my confidence and motivated me to do my best in my following years as well. 

I have undertaken responsibilities such as being the treasurer for the Global Lounge Committee and managing the funds and expenses which provides me with work experience. I have also been working as a student ambassador for the university and I feel it is the best job to do alongside my studies, as it is flexible and fun.