Ria Moses in a group meeting holding an iPad

Southampton helped me ignite my future success 

Published: 13 December 2023

University is about more than just studies for BSc Psychology student Ria Moses. The variety of opportunities outside of the lab helped her explore all her future career pathways.  

My psychology degree 

My favourite thing about the course so far is the fact I can take modules from other disciplines.  

During A-Levels I knew I loved Psychology but I also really enjoyed Criminology. At University, I just assumed I would have to sacrifice one for the other.  

As I was unsure which path to follow, I went with a Psychology degree because it was my favourite A-Level.

I discovered that within Psychology at Southampton I am given the opportunity to do modules within Criminology so now I am essentially doing both things I really wanted to do which makes the degree even more enjoyable! 
RIa Moses

How Ignite helped my studies

My time as a Psychology student is even better as I am on a programme called Ignite Your Success. The programme supports me through university with things such as bursaries, workshops on wellbeing and careers, as well as giving me a mentor to provide any advice.  

As a part of this programme, I was given the opportunity to take part in a guaranteed paid internship. I completed my internship at the local Mayflower Theatre where I helped during rehearsals, warmups and script writing. I also helped chaperone the younger members of the performance. It was a great experience as I love drama and theatre, so I had lots of fun, but I also gained lots useful skills such as communication, leadership and confidence.  

My personal growth 

My time at Southampton so far has encouraged me to grow as a person. My confidence in public speaking has improved drastically after being a student ambassador and working at the Open Days, where I had to speak to thousands of different people. 

Through my Ignite Your Success internship I learnt the importance of networking in order to gain advice from others and strengthen my understanding in the career I aspire to achieve. Although my internship wasn’t something directly related to my degree, I managed to take aspects of it and apply it to my life which helped greatly.