Michal Samon with his MSc dissertation award

My engaging class discussions helped me write my award-winning MSc dissertation

Published: 5 January 2024

Michal Samon explains how his MSc International Security and Risk at Southampton helped him win the Politics and International Relations MSc Dissertation Prize.

The year spent as a Politics and International Relations student was an incredibly enriching experience for me. My MSc studies were fundamental in deepening my understanding of security dynamics in the continuously changing international order.

The lecturers all had individual approaches to inspire and support our learning. One lecturer shared his research on the Ethiopian-Egyptian water conflict with my class. This motivated me to examine the area in one of my papers on emerging region-specific conflict over the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile. 

The best parts of my master’s course were the engaging class discussions on contemporary security challenges.

Michal Samon 

Enriching internship

During my dissertation, I took a month-long internship in the Political Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in London. 

This provided the opportunity to work in the Consular Department for two months. I focused on organisation assistance for elections to the Sejm, the Senate and the Referendum on a wide range of issues. 

I believe the course defined the direction in which I aspire to progress. It formed the foundation upon which I wish to continue to develop my professional career as a diplomat.
Michal Samon
MSc International Security and Risk student

Plans for the future

The insights into contemporary politics that I gained during my studies have proven invaluable in my professional career as well as in my personal growth.

My course and internship experiences led me to my current role at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland as an Administrative Specialist. 

Looking into the future, my career aspirations centre around diplomacy. After consular-diplomatic training in the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I plan to study EU International Relations and Diplomacy from the College of Europe.