Postgraduate research project

Trustworthy human-AI collaboration based on reinforcement learning and foundation models

Fully funded (UK only)
Type of degree
Doctor of Philosophy
Entry requirements
first class degree View full entry requirements
Faculty graduate school
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Closing date

About the project

In this project, you will explore the development of intelligent agents capable of trustworthy collaboration with human end users. 

The focus extends beyond technical reliability to include the agents' ability to provide assurances, explanations, and address user feedback and preferences. Leveraging reinforcement learning techniques, you will investigate the potential of foundation (language) models for capturing individual-level preferences as well as collective-level norms and conventions. 

You will also develop proof-of-concepts in collaborative games such as Hanabi or Overcooked to establish the foundation for real-life applications in areas such as:

  • smart mobility
  • disaster response settings
  • the allocation of energy resources (e.g., EV charging stations) to end users in connected vehicular systems. 

The project aligns closely with the Turing AI Fellowship on Citizen-Centric AI Systems (CCAIS) and builds upon the research directions outlined in the position paper titled "Citizen Centric Multiagent Systems". 

CCAIS Project

The CCAIS project aims to develop AI systems with people at their heart. These citizen-centric AI systems learn the preferences of individual users to provide personalised services and advice in important application areas such as:

  • smart transportation
  • energy
  • disaster response

To ensure trustworthiness, these systems safeguard privacy by learning and making decisions locally, for example on a user's smart device. They also offer clear explanations for their decisions and involve stakeholders through a continuous feedback loop. You will be part of a supportive and diverse research team.

Research Group 

You will join the Agents, Interaction and Complexity group within the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS). We are one of the world's leading groups in multi-agent systems, and you will benefit from our significant networks. For example, we lead the UKRI TAS Hub and the UK Hub on Responsible AI, we are part of the Alan Turing Institute, and we run the MINDS CDT. These centres and networks will provide you with a valuable opportunity to work with researchers and other stakeholders from a wide range of backgrounds.