Jubilee Swimming Academy terms and conditions

These terms and conditions apply when either you enrol or when you enrol your child in swimming lessons provided by the Jubilee Swimming Academy (JSA).

1. Course Bookings

  • 1.1: Group Lessons operate during school term times and are booked and charged for on a per term basis. 
  • 1.2: Private Lessons are individual lessons tailored to the needs and objectives of the pupil. The number of lessons, times and associated costs will be agreed at the time of booking.
  • 1.3: Intensive Training Courses (also referred to as Crash Courses) operate out of term time and are booked and charged for as a block of lessons. 
  • 1.4: When making your course booking with JSA we will agree with you the type of course that you or your child will enroll on and the number of lessons, time and the agreed fees for the course. This will form the basis of the course booking.  
  • 1.5: Classes will follow ratio guidelines in accordance with both Swim England and the Swimming Teachers Association. 
  • 1.6: Existing pupils taking Group Lessons will be offered renewal places prior to the commencement of the new term and will be advised of any changes in the time, location, price or other details of the new course provided. 
  • 1.7: A student’s class allocation will try and take pupil preference into consideration in regard to day, time and ability level. The JSA will, at its sole discretion, offer you a place on the course of its choosing having considered the ability of the pupil, the composition of the classes and the wider needs of the school as a whole. Our intention is to provide a learning environment that is stimulating for all of the pupils concerned and ensure that the classes are balanced in ability and temperament. 

2. Payment and Confirmation

  • 2.1: All Group Lessons and Intensive Training Courses are offered on a first come, first served basis and will only be confirmed once payment has been received in full. This applies to both new pupils and Renewal Places. 
  • 2.2: If you choose to accept the place offered then your booking will only be considered as confirmed once payment for the course has been received in full. Payment should be made prior to the first lesson of the course in question. If such payment is not made then JSA may, at its sole discretion, cancel your booking and JSA will not be obliged to teach the pupil. 
  • 2.3: The payment method will be advised to you as part of the booking process.

3. Cancelation and Force Majeure

  • 3.1: If, after making a booking, you wish to cancel a course you may do so by contacting us in writing or by email within seven days prior to the commencement of the course. You will receive a refund of the tuition fee paid, less the pro rata cost of one lesson to cover the costs of administration. If you decide to cancel the course after it commences JSA will not be obliged to provide either credits or refunds. 
  • 3.2: If it becomes necessary for us to either cancel or reschedule lessons then either a replacement lesson will be offered or a refund will be issued. All refunds are limited to the course fees only. 
  • 3.3: In the case where we have to close due to unforeseen circumstances or an incident outside of our control no refund or replacement lesson will be offered. 
    • 3.3.1: Such Force Majeure circumstances might include (but are not limited to) damage to the pool, severe weather conditions, power failures, industrial action, civil unrest and other events that JSA has no reasonable control over or prior knowledge of.  

4. Attendance

  • 4.1: Pupils should be at poolside five minutes before the start time of their lesson fully prepared to participate. 
  • 4.2: Pupils that arrive late by more than 15 minutes, may be asked not to participate in the lesson if it is deemed that this might be disruptive to the other pupils. The JSA will not be obliged to provide a refund or credit for lessons missed by pupils. 

5. Changes

  • 5.1: If you wish to make changes to the days or times of courses you have already booked then please make us aware and we will try and find a suitable alternative. 
  • 5.2: If a teacher is unable to attend a class we will substitute the teacher with a qualified alternative.  

6. Illness and Medical Conditions

  • 6.1: If your child has a pre-existing medical condition it is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to ensure that it is safe for the pupil to attend swimming lessons. Please make us aware of any such condition when booking your child’s lessons and we can then discuss potential risks and any necessary mitigation that might be required to ensure their health or safety is not put at risk. 
  • 6.2: We want to make swimming an accessible and enjoyable sport for all and will try to accommodate your child’s needs if we can. 
  • 6.3: If your child has developed an illness such as an ear infection, diarrhea, chicken pox or conjunctivitis then please wait until your doctor has given the all-clear before returning to classes. In the instance of sickness or diarrhea please ensure your child has been clear of all symptoms for at least 48 hours before attending a lesson. 
  • 6.4: In the case where a swimmer will be away from lessons for an extended period (4 or more weeks) due to medical condition and proof of this is given from local health care services a refund may be applicable.  If this applies, 1 of 2 options will be available. 
    • 6.4.1 We can guarantee your/ your child’s place for when they are able to return. If this option is taken a refund will not be able to be issued. 
    • 6.4.2 You may request a refund for the remainder of the term, however when ready to return the existing place will not be guaranteed. We will however do everything we can to offer a subsequent place that is suitable.

7. Behaviour

Swimmers, parents, guardians, siblings and other associates must:

  • 7.1: Observe any rules that are in effect at the facility that the lessons are being given in. 
  • 7.2: Behave in a manner that is conducive to ensuring the safety of themselves and others. 
  • 7.3: Ensure that their behaviour does not place anybody in a position of unnecessary risk. 
  • 7.4: In the event of a swimmer, parent, guardian or other associated party either refusing to follow an instruction from a member of staff, behaving in an unruly manner or causing damage to pool premises, fixtures, fittings or equipment then the pupil will not be allowed to continue their lesson and the party will be asked to leave. 
  • 7.5: In such an event JSA will have the right to terminate the contract without further notice, penalty or requirement to refund any fees. JSA also reserves the right to charge for any consequential costs. 

8. Complaints

  • 8.1: We pride ourselves on offering the very best teaching and coaching to our pupils. If you or your child are not satisfied with some aspect of our service however then please let the teacher know in the first instance and we will try our best to resolve the matter. 
  • 8.2: If you are not satisfied with the explanation or outcome you receive as a result of speaking to a teacher then please direct your concerns directly to the Swim School Coordinator by emailing southamptonsport@soton.ac.uk.   

9. Valuables

  • 9.1: JSA will not accept liability for the loss of or damage to any personal effects brought to any session and you are therefore requested to ensure that no valuable items are brought to the swimming lessons. 

10. One to one or Private lessons

  • 10.1: These lessons are provided on a first come first served basis at booking.
  • 10.2: Credit can be purchased in groups of x1, x3 or x6 credits. Once purchased, lessons must be booked and used within 6 months from purchase date.
  • 10.3: JSA reserves the right to cancel these lessons at any point. If this is the case the lesson will be credited to your account for use at another time.
  • 10.4: Any changes to booked lessons made by you must be made no later than 24 hours before the start time of the lesson. Changes within 24 hours of the start time of the booked lesson will not be possible and the lesson will be lost/credit used.

11. Rules and Regulations

  • 11.1: Parents must always remain on site whilst children under the age of 12 are in the Jubilee Sports Centre. It is your responsibility to make sure an up to date emergency contact number is given. 
  • 11.2: Swimmers must shower before entering the pool. 
  • 11.3: Children aged 8 years and above should get changed in the correct sexed changing rooms. 
  • 11.4: Swimmers MUST WEAR a swimming hat, for reasons of hygiene & safety one silicone hat is provided per pupil. Alternative hats can be worn such as latex & cloth.
  • 11.5: No outdoor shoes are to be worn on poolside – If you wish to speak to a swimming teacher then please either remove shoes & socks or put on shoe covers provided, before you go onto poolside. 
  • 11.6: There must be no recording, filming or photographic equipment including mobile phones with camera facilities used in the building. This is in accordance with terms and conditions and child protection rules. Please refer to STA Child Protection Guidelines, available on request. 
  • 11.7: By agreeing to a course with the Jubilee Swimming Academy you agree to the Terms and Conditions laid out above.